Performance Test of Fume Hood

Date: 2021-04-11   Source: RUANQI    Classification: Company news

ICT2 is one of the few third-party companies for performance testing of fume hoods in China. Our aim is: not only to make the fume hood safer. We provide testing services for fume hood and VAV performance, including ASHRAE 110-2016, en 14175-3 / 4, JB / T 6412-1999 and JG / T 222-2007.


1. ASHRAE 110-2016 AM Test

Test content:

1) Flow Visualization Visual testing:Including large smoke test, small smoke test;
2) Face Velocity Surface wind speed test;
3) Tracer Gas(SF6) Test Tracer gas test (leak test): Including tracer gas static test, peripheral scanning test and sliding door movement influence test.

Test cycle:3 working days.

 ASHRAE 110-2016 AI or AU Test

Test content:

1) Flow Visualization Visual testing: Including large smoke test, small smoke test;
2) Face Velocity Surface wind speed test;
3) VAV Valve performance test: Including VAV surface wind speed control, VAV response time and VAV balance time test;
4) Tracer Gas(SF6) Test Tracer gas test (leak test): Including tracer gas static test, peripheral scanning test and sliding door movement influence test.

Test cycle: It depends on the quantity.

VAV Valve performance test

Test content:

1) VAV Face Velocity Control Test VAV Surface wind speed control test;
2) VAV Speed of Response Test VAV Response time test;
3) VAV Time to Steady Test VAV Balance time test.

Test cycle: 3 working days.

 EN 14175-3 type test

Test content:

1) Face Velocity Tests Surface wind speed test;
2) Containment Tests Pollutant control test;
3) Inner Measurement Plane Tests Internal plane test;
4) Outer Measurement Plane Tests External plane test;
5) Robustness of containment Anti interference test;
6) Air Exchange Efficiency Tests Air exchange efficiency.

Test cycle: 3 working days.

5.  EN 14175-4 Field test

Test content:

1) Face Velocity Tests Surface wind speed test;
2) Containment Tests Pollutant control test;
3) Inner Measurement Plane Tests Internal plane test;
4) Outer Measurement Plane Tests External plane test;
5) Robustness of containment Anti interference test;
6) Air Exchange Efficiency Tests Air exchange efficiency.

Test cycle: It depends on the quantity.

6.  JB/T 6412 – 1999 & JG/T 222 – 2007

Test content:

1) Specification and size;
2) Plane wind speed test;
3) Resistance test;
4) Response time test (JG / t222);
5) Flow display test;
6) Concentration test.

Test cycle: 3 working days.


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