Tester network

Date: 2021-04-11   Source: RUANQI    Classification: Industry information

Fume hood tester network is the directory of certified testers. With appropriate equipment and training, fume hood can be tested on site. They can verify that your fume hood is operating safely, and they will provide education on how to use it safely. At present, testing is the only way to know if the fume hood and the connected laboratory ventilation system are operating at a safe level.
Many people want their fume hoods to be tested, but they don't know where to find certified testers. The ICT2 tester network is part of the International Directory operated by creative solutions. Once you have been trained and certified, you will be on the list.
We work with creative solutions to provide cooperation for testers. You can do this certification by attending our training courses, or if you buy a test car from us, the training and certification will be included.

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